Monday, July 5, 2010

Paris: Days 2 - 5

Off to Madrid tomorrow morning - failed to reserve my train early enough (they suggested two weeks) and couldn't go overnight. :( Fortunately, my train to Lisbon has now been successfully booked.

Overview of what I've been doing for the last few days below - busy. busy, busy. Hopefully I'll be able to compose something more interesting (and better laid out) than just album links on the next update - lots of thinking time on the train...

Day 2:
The historic core of Paris:
Notre Dame / Deportation Memorial / Sainte-Chapelle / Conciergerie / Louvre / Orsay

Day 3:
Napoleon's tomb / Army museum / Rodin museum / Champs-Elysee to Arc de Triomphe / Opera house
(Also a late night of drinking which I failed to bring my camera to)

Day 4:

Day 5: 
The Eiffel Tower and Marais

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